Physical Education
Welcome to Physical Education
It is our goal to provide a non-threatening class environment in which all students can challenge themselves to become “Fit for Life.” We believe Physical Education is an important element in a comprehensive well balanced education program. In addition, a positive learning experience in Physical Education can be a contributing factor in all aspects in life- physical, social, emotional, and mental wellness.
from WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS by Shel Silverstein
"If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!"
Staff Directory
Nina Chang | (626) 934-4433 | PE Dance |
Daniel Morales | (626) 934-4471 | Physical Education/Football |
Jerelyn O'Keefe Lopez | (626) 934-4548 | Physical Education |