Science Olympiad
Congratulations to Science Olympiad!
On Saturday, January 25th our Wilson Science Olympiad Team competed in the UC Davis Invitational and got 1st place out of the 50 teams competing. We also got individual medals in the following events:
Air Trajectory 1st place - Alan Zhong, Kevin Chen
Air Trajectory 3rd place - Hollie Tang, Ziqi Fang
Bungee Drop 1st place - Alan Zhong, Braden Kim
Chem Lab 1st place - Iris Lee, George Guo
Codebusters 2nd place - Brandon Lo, Braden Kim, Derek Wen
Codebusters 4th place - Lance Lim, Queenie Lau, Elisa Chen
Disease Detectives 2nd place - Gloria Luu, Leona Liu
Dynamic Planet 1st place - Jiajun Zhang, Gloria Luu
Ecology 1st place - Ella Mak, Athan Sun
Electric Vehicle 2nd place - Brandon Lo, Jiajun Zhang
Entomology 2nd place - Athan Sun, Jiajun Zhang
Experimental Design 2nd place - Leona Liu, Ella Mak, Iris Lee
Experimental Design 3rd place - Rebecca Lu, Madison Wu, Hollie Tang
Fossils 1st place - Skyler Lau, Athan Sun
Geologic Mapping 3rd place - Skyler Lau, Derek Wen
Helicopter 2nd place - Ethan Shih, Ella Mak
Helicopter 3rd place - Ziqi Fang, Hollie Tang
Material Science 1st place - Alan Zhong, George Guo
Optics 2nd place - Brandon Lo, George Guo
Robot Tour 3rd place - Nathan Chen, Tyler Shum
Robot Tour 4th place - Brandon Lo, Erin Yeh
Tower 2nd place - Queenie Lau, Kyle Ngo
Tower 3rd place - Kevin Chen, Ethan Shih
Wind Power 4th place - Alan Zhong, Ethan Shih
Write It Do It 2nd place - Ethan Shih, Kevin Chen
Our Wilson Science Olympiad Team competed at the USC Invitational last Saturday, January 18th and received an overall placement of 1st place as a team. We competed against 81 different schools from all over California. Some of the events that we medaled in are below. The top 8 medal.
Air Trajectory 2nd place- Alan Zhong, Kevin Chen
Codebusters 1st place - Brandon Lo, Braden Kim, Derek Wen
Disease Detectives 6th place - Gloria Luu, Leona Liu
Ecology 1st place - Ella Mak, Athan Sun
Electric Vehicle 8th - Nathan Chen, Tyler Shum
Forensics 4th place - Evelyn Huang, Elise Ordinario
Fossils 5th place - Athan Sun, Skyler Lau
Helicopter 7th place - Ethan Shih, Ella Mak
Helicopter 8th place - Ziqi Fang, Hollie Tang
Write It Do It 2nd place - Kevin Chen, Ethan Shih
Welcome to Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is for students interested in STEM, teamwork, and competitive events. In the last several years, the team has made tremendous strides in becoming a competitive team.
The 2016-2017 Team placed 3rd in the Los Angeles Regional Competition and 12th in State Championship at Caltech.
The 2017-2018 Team placed 2nd in the Los Angeles Regional Competition and 4th in the State Championship at Caltech.
The 2018-2019 Team placed 2nd in the Los Angeles Regional Competition and 5th in the State Championships at Caltech
The 2019-2020 Team placed 1st in the Los Angeles Regional Competition. State Championships were cancelled due to Covid-19.
The 2020-2021 Team placed 4nd in the Los Angeles Regional Competition and 12th in the State Championships at Caltech
The 2021-2022 Team placed 1st in the Los Angeles Regional Competition and 4th in the State Championships at Caltech
Science Olympiad Is Awesome!
Interested in Joining? Contact Us.
Judy Chap | (626) 934-4528 | Science |
Jungsoo Han | (626) 934-4529 | Science |
Coach Mr. Han
Mr. Han is part of the Science Department and is currently teaching the biomedical science classes. He coaches Science Olympiad and HOSA at Wilson.
"Science Olympiad is about inspiring our students to seek future opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) occupations." - J. Han
Coach Mrs. Chap
Hello, everyone. Ms. Chap is a first-generation graduate. She has taught general science at the middle school and Biology in high school. Ms. Chap has coached Science Olympiad at the middle school and high school levels. She is excited to be part of a competitive team that is committed and dedicated to learning about STEM related topics!
Our Mission
Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing student interest in science, creating a technologically literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers. These goals are achieved by participating in Science Olympiad tournaments, incorporating Science Olympiad into classroom curriculum and attending professional development workshops.
2024-2025 Events
DIVISION C: Grades 9 - 12
Cell Biology
Rocks and Minerals
Remote Sensing
Detector Building
Environmental Chemistry
Fermi Questions
Aspiring Leaders
Team Captain
Cabinet Members