2020 Wilson Invitational C
Mesa - Wilson Science Olympiad Division B & C Invitational
Wilson High School will be hosting a B/C Science Olympiad Invitational on 1/18/2020. Please read all the information below before registering for the invitational.
For Division C, each school may register up to 2 teams. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. We will close registration once we reach 30 teams.
Cost per team is $175.00
Please make out checks and send them to:
Wilson STEM Booster Club
16455 Wedgeworth Drive
Hacienda Heights. CA. 91745
All teams must submit a Certificate of Insurance. Guarantees of Insurance must be emailed to:
Your Guarantee of Insurance must read:
Certificate Holder: Hacienda-La Puente Unified School District
15959 E. Gale Avenue
City of Industry, CA 91745
Attention: Raymond James, Director of Transportation/Facilities Use Processing
Each participating team must provide HLPUSD a General Liability Certificate of Insurance with a $1 million per occurrence limit and $2 million aggregate.
Named Additional Insured Endorsement MUST READ: Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers as Additional Insureds.
Without the proper Guarantee of Insurance that specifically lists "HLPUSD, its agents, officers, employees, and volunteers" as Additional Insureds, your team will be unable to participate in the tournament.
Payment and COI must be received by December 1st, 2019.
Please submit a digital copy of your exam and answer key to: jshan@hlpusd.k12.ca.us.
All tests and answer keys to all events will be compiled on a google drive and the link will be send out a day or two after the tournament to all participating coaches. Please make sure all exams follow the Science Olympiad 2020 Event Rules and that level of the test is consistent of a high school science olympiad invitational tournament or higher. DO NOT COPY FROM OTHER EXAMS on the internet or from textbooks. Please make sure exams are original exams.
Be ready to run your events on time. Bring all necessary materials, exams, and equipment to run your event for 30 teams.
EVENT PROCTORS MAY NOT BE STUDENTS. Event proctors must be coaches and/or qualified adults that are knowledge enough in the event to run it.
Medals will be awarded to the top six teams in each event. Trophies will be awarded to the top six teams overall.
An arbitration committee will be on hand to resolve disputes between event supervisors and competing teams. In the event of a conflict, both parties need to provide a brief statement to the arbitration committee in writing. The committee will have the final decision-making authority on the matter.
Students are expected to follow all rules and display integrity, honesty, and sportsmanship while competing.
Photography/videography of other teams and/or their devices is not permitted without the express permission of the team being photographed.
Please do your part to keep the campus clean by placing all trash in trash receptacles. In addition, we ask that teams be careful to keep rooms tidy, clean, and relatively untouched.
Registration for Division C High School: Here
Registration for Division B Middle School will be handled by Jennifer Collins at Mesa Robles. Please go to the following link to register for Division B: Here
If you have any questions please email us at: jshan@hlpusd.k12.ca.us