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Glen A. Wilson High

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Career Exploration

The RIASEC model is the number one predictor for happiness in a career and breaks down career options into 6 personality traits: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Taking a career assessment that breaks down your top RIASEC traits is a great first step in career exploration! Once you've done this, search what careers fit those personality traits to see if you come across what may best suit you as an individual.


California Career Zone

The California CareerZone site is designed to help you explore, plan, and prepare for a career you’ll love.  By working through the system, you can access:

  • Self-assessment modules including interest, work-importance and skills profile tools.
  • Financial literacy tools including the “Budget your Life” assessment
  • Over 900 occupations, as well as information on US colleges and certifications
  • Personalized pathway recommendations based on your exploration 

Career Coach

Rio Hondo, one of our local community colleges, has a great site for career exploration.  This site let's you take a short or long quiz, reviews results, searches by industry and connects you with programs of study!


California Community Colleges Career Fields

California Community Colleges offer all kinds of exciting and rewarding career paths. Explore the various options below to see which jobs and careers align with your goals, and ignite your desire to succeed.


O*NET Online

O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work.  You can browse groups of similar occupations to explore careers. Choose from industry, field of work, science area, and more.


California Colleges

This platform provides high school students the tools to match their interests and skills to postsecondary college and career opportunities. They can take career assessments and use search tools to develop college, major, and career lists, write goals and journals, track activities, and read a variety of age-appropriate content to develop and expand their knowledge on all college, career, and financial aid planning topics.



Yes, you can search for careers on Collegeboard too!  Get tons of careers, majors, and high school classes that match what you like to do.  Their career Finder site partners with Road Trip Nation which lets you follow the career journeys of real people who share your interests.


Career Girls

Career Girls is founded on the dream that every girl around the world has access to diverse and accomplished women role models to learn from their experiences and discover their own path to empowerment.



Work permit information

Most jobs will require a work permit.  To be eligible for a permit, students must have positive attendance (95%) and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.  A work permit is specific to the place you are employed (employers must sign) so you will need to apply and have the job lined up before needing the permit request.  Please read the Work Permit Info sheet carefully and follow all directions.  PERMITS MUST BE RENEWED EVERY YEAR SCHOOL YEAR! 

There are five steps in obtaining a work permit:

1. Download the Work Permit Contract and Work Permit Request below (copies will also be available in the attendance office). 

2. Student and parent must read and agree to the terms of the Work Permit Contract.

3. Fill out the student information at the top of the Work Permit Request, secure your parent/ legal guardian's signature required in the middle portion, and have your employer fill out the last section. 

4. Return completed Work Permit Request and Work Permit Contract to Mrs. Becerra ( or call 626-934-4409) and allow 2-3 working days for the request to be processed; completed Work Permit will be provided to you.

5. Provide the completed Work Permit to your employer. 


During Summer, you can download the Work Permit Application and email it to Ms. Jimenez at or Ms. Rivas at 

For questions regarding work permits, please contact

Mrs. Becerra at 626 934-4409, Ms. Jimenez at 626 934-4413 or Ms. Rivas at 626 934-4416

Work Permit Info.pdf (PDF)

WIHS Work Permit Contract.pdf (PDF)

2021 Work Permit Request 2021.doc (DOC)  

Summary of work regulations Web Site.pdf (PDF)

 Application Notes- Wilson style.pdf (PDF)

Some Important Labor laws Relating to Minors

  • Every working minor must have a valid Work Permit.
  • All employers must provide Worker's Compensation Insurance even for relatives and/or children of the employer.
  • Minors may not drive a motor vehicle as part of their job duties.
  • Minors may not begin work before 5:00 a.m. or work after 10:00 p.m. on a day preceding a school day.
  • A minor may not work more than 8 hours per day under any circumstances.
  • Violators of Labor Laws are subjected to intervention by the Labor Commission and a possible heavy fine.



Hacienda La Puente Adult Education (HLPAE) is a comprehensive school, serving more than 15,000 adult and high school students annually.

The Adult School is a pre and post-secondary institution offering entry-level and advanced courses  in  technology, healthbusinesstrades and service careers.


Career One Stop

This is a one-stop shop for assessments and career profiles, making it one of the most comprehensive career exploration websites for students of all ages. The site has information about more than 900 jobs. Your journey begins with a profile that can reveal your interests in case you're having trouble deciding what to do with your life. 


Bureau of Labor Statistics

Sounds boring, but is tons of information on this site - even some games.  The website also explains the economy in different parts of the United States and provides the information in context, using graphs, charts, and examples that students can easily understand.



This website seems to have great info, even a listing a ways to work online.  Also good job info and salary guides.  Seems like you need to put your email in to go further than just poking around, but site appears legit and has been quoted in lots of news articles.


What Are Employers Looking For?

  • Analytical Thinking: The ability to generate and evaluate a number of alternative solutions and to make a sound decision regarding a plan of action.
  • Researching: The ability to search for needed data and to use references to obtain appropriate information.
  • Organizing: The ability to arrange systems and routines to streamline work and maintain order.
  • Speaking: The ability to express oneself fluently and intelligently.
  • Writing: The ability to use proper spelling and grammar and the ability to express ideas clearly.
  • Interpersonal Skills: The ability to relate well to people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Ethical Applications: The ability to apply moral standards and appreciate values in the work setting.
  • Technology: The ability to apply basic principles of technology, including using computers competently and working with data.
  • Career Planning: The cultivation of a personal sense of direction and desire for improvement, including a willingness to learn.
  • Diversity Awareness: The demonstration of respect, equity and empathy for a diverse community.
  • Teamwork: The ability to encourage cooperation, collaboration and partnerships.