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Glen A. Wilson High

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Grade Level Parent Meetings

General parent meetings are held once each year per grade level.  Meetings are presentation style with vital information covered that pertains to each specific grade level including meeting graduation requirements, preparing for college and maximizing the success of students.  While basic presentations will be posted for reference after each meeting, we encourage parents to attend the grade level meeting each year to learn about changes and hear additional information given.

2024 - 25 Counseling Parent Meeting Schedule

All meetings begin at 6:30pm in the Media Center.  

Fall Classroom Grade Level Presentations for students can be found on your counselor's Canvas page after the presentation date!

Freshmen Presentations: August 16th

Sophomore Presentations: September 2th - 27th 

Junior Presentations: September 11th - 13th 

Senior Presentations: August 22nd -23rd