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Glen A. Wilson High

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Attendance & Tardy Policy



Student is to go directly to the classroom when they are tardy.  A Tardy is 30 minutes or less.  An absence is 31 minutes or more. (Note: tardies start over each semester)

1.      Tardies 1-2: Student warned/ and or given teacher assigned detention.

2.      Tardy 3: Student sent to Guidance Office: Letter mailed home to parents

3.      Tardies 4-5: Student sent to Guidance Office; Detention assigned.

4.      Tardy 6: Student sent to Guidance Office; Three hours detention/Saturday School assigned.

5.      Habitual Tardies:  Students will receive detention and parent and student will need to come in to meet with the Assistant Principal and sign SART agreement. Student may be subject to losing the class for no credit.


Definition:  Absences not excused by a parent/guardian and approved by a school official are recorded as truancy.  In addition, tardiness to school more than 30 minutes is, by law, considered truant.

1.      Period Truancies: Assigned detention/ and or Saturday School.

2.      All-Day Truancies.  Saturday School assigned with parent contact, phone call and/or letter home.

3.      Habitual truancies will be reported to HLPUSD Police and a truancy ticket will be issued by the law enforcement agency.

4.      Any and all un-cleared absences will be marked as Truant and consequences will be assigned.( students have 2 days to clear an absence)


Students returning from an absence are required to get a re-admit from the Attendance Office before being admitted back to class.  Un-cleared absences will be marked as TRUANT when the student returns to campus.  Detention/ Saturday School will be assigned for all Truancies.  Students have 48 hours to clear an absence.  Once the absence is cleared the consequences will also be cleared.

Parents should call the Attendance Office, (626) 934-4418, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., the first day of a student’s absence. If the student is absent for more than one day, the parent should notify the Attendance Office of the return date.

Handwritten notes from parent or guardian can also clear absences. (Typed notes will not be accepted.)  Notes are to be brought to the Attendance Office before the student’s first class of the day.  Notes need to contain: student’s name, reason for absence, all dates of absence, and parent/ guardian signature.

Automated calls will go home every day that a student shows an absence. Please contact the office if you are unaware of the absence.

0/1st period only absences: Parents can clear only five  0 period or 1st period absences per semester. Each one after five will be assigned as a truancy.

**Students with Five or more Absences per grading period are subject to being placed on Doctors notes and/or SART attendance agreement.

Excessive absences/tardies can also limit the students participation in school events and or functions including but not limited to graduation and dances.

Student Check Out/ Release

Glen A. Wilson is a closed campus and students are not allowed to leave during school hours (including lunch) without being checked out through the office.  The adult checking out the student must be on the emergency card and show valid ID.


It is very important that the school has current addresses on file for each student for emergency purposes.  Unfortunately, it is not enough just to identify the changes on the student’s new emergency card.    You must notify the school immediately and bring in a gas, water or electricity bill into the attendance office so that the address maybe updated in our system.  The same would apply with regards to new phone numbers.