Dress Code
TO BE REVISED.... Below is not current.
Standards of Student Dress
Glen A. Wilson High School has established Dress Standards consistent with the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District “Dress for Success Uniform Policy” that set standards conducive to a positive learning environment and a well-disciplined campus. While on campus or at any school sponsored event, students shall be groomed in a manner which reflects good taste and decency, and which does not distract or interfere with the educational environment. Glen A. Wilson High School desires to keep the school and students free from threat of harmful influence of any groups which advocate substance abuse, violence, or disruptive behavior. Parents have the responsibility to see that students are properly attired.
Glen A. Wilson High School has in place the following standards relative to the dress and appearance of students:
1. No hats, caps, hair nets, beanies, wave caps, bandanas, head bands, or any other head gear of any kind are to be worn or brought on campus. (Students may wear approved sun-protective clothing outside the classroom. The only approved sun protective hat is a plain brimmed straw or cloth hat.)
2. All shirts and blouses must have sleeves and must be able to be tucked in. Tank tops and cropped shirts are not allowed. No bare midriffs. No low cut, backless or revealing tops. No strapless or spaghetti strap tops. No see-through or fish net type of blouses or shirts may be worn.
3. Shoes must be worn at all times. Unsafe shoes and bare feet are not allowed.
4. Clothing, shoes, shoestrings, gloves, jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, “In Memory Of” shirts or other items which may considered gang or tagging related or which depict or make reference to drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, or any obscenity may not be worn. Gang slogans and graffiti will not be allowed on school binders, books, notebooks, Pee-chees, backpacks, clothing, or folders.
5. Clothing that is inappropriate in size shall not be worn. All pants and shorts must be hemmed and fit at the waist. No pants or shorts may be worn below the waist. Pants that drag on the ground may not be worn. Clothing must be free from tears, rips, holes, etc. Dresses, skirts, or shorts length shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste.
6. Belts are to fit waist size and may not have buckles with insignia or initials.
7. Jackets, sweatshirts, and shirts must be free of writing and pictures, except those of the teams or groups at the school, those of colleges or universities, or a manufacturer’s logo. No professional team apparel is allowed.
8. Boys’ socks with shorts must not go above mid-calf. Shorts are not to be worn with socks that meet the hem.
9. Cut-off pants with knee high socks, unstrapped bib overalls and shirts with only the top one or two buttons fastened may not be worn.
10. Spikes, chains or other dangerous objects may not be worn or carried including heavy chains holding keys or wallets, spike collars, wrist bands, or metal-toed shoes.